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Train chatbot

Instantly train your GPT-powered chatbots with new information from URLs or documents, keeping responses up-to-date and relevant.

Setup chatbot actions

Accurately understand and respond to customer inquiries with AI-driven intent classification, improving resolution rates.

Deploy to player apps

Get your chatbot on 15+ apps like Webchat, Telegram, LINE, Zendesk, and Intercom to reach your players wherever they chat.

Handover to human support

Seamlessly transfer chats from chatbot to live agents with context for ongoing player support via messaging apps and email.

Track support performance

Use live data visuals to keep an eye on your support operations and make quick decisions.

Connect your back office

Integrate Yola with your back office to use player data for customising chatbot behaviour and takeover rules. It also ensures that player data is always readily available to agents.

Chat with our clients

Test leading AI player experiences from around the world

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Active soon
Vanessa Babicz

Head of Proto Assist

Read the latest

Case Study

AI-enabled player support in Asia

Betadda, a leading online gaming brand in Asia, scaled Proto CX automation across four countries for 24/7 player support in Hindi, Hinglish and English.


Enhancing 5 key metrics through CX automation for iGaming excellence

Read about five common CX metrics that gaming brands track, and how to improve them in a fast, cost-effective way.

See all resources

Case studies, videos and the latest Proto news and articles.